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Liu Yandong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of The State Council, visited the High School Attached to Tsinghua University

Release time: 2014-10-21 Author: Wen/Zhou Xiangnan Wang Lei Hits:

Liu Yandong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of The State Council, visited the High School Attached to Tsinghua University

On July 4, Liu Yandong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of The State Council, visited the high school affiliated to Tsinghua University。Liu Limin, Vice Minister of Education, Chen Jining, President of Tsinghua University, Chen Xu, Secretary of the University Party Committee, Cheng Jianping, Executive Vice President, Shi Zongkai, Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee, Jiang Shengyao, Vice president of Tsinghua University, and heads of relevant departments of The State Council accompanied the investigation。Chen Xu presided over the research symposium。

At 9 am, Liu Yandong first visited the history Museum of the attached Middle School。2015 will mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of Tsinghua High School。While carefully watching the school history exhibition, Liu Yandong listened to the president of Tsinghua High School, Wang Dianjun, and Fang Yan, secretary of the Party Committee of the school, introduce the history, ideology and characteristics of the school。Here, Liu Yandong also received a special gift from the High School attached to Tsinghua University - a replica of her student ID card when she studied there。Liu Yandong studied at Tsinghua High School from 1961 to 1964 and joined the Party in 1964, becoming the first student member of Tsinghua High School。

Leaving the school history hall, Liu Yandong went to the teaching building。At the entrance of the main building, Liu Yandong met the middle school students who had just finished their recess exercises。Liu Yandong went to the students and talked with them cordially, and the students shouted "Hello!"The crowd broke into bursts of joyful applause。

Entering the building, Liu Yandong stopped in front of a "honesty desk", where the students' creative cultural works were placed, which was unattended, and those who wanted to buy could take the products they wanted as long as they left the corresponding money。Liu Yandong was very interested in buying school uniform bears and mobile phone cases made by her classmates。

Walking up the stairs to the third floor, Liu Yandong entered the classroom of Class 3。Tian Peihuai, a senior high school geography teacher, is giving her students a review lesson on the water cycle and its significance。The students listened carefully and actively discussed and spoke, and the strong classroom atmosphere infected Liu Yandong。When the class came to an end, Liu Yandong stood up and talked with the teacher and students。Liu Yandong said that geography classes should not only teach geography knowledge, but also combine with major issues facing mankind such as climate change and water shortage, and combine with traditional Chinese culture to guide students to love the motherland and love nature。Liu Yandong told the students that she had taken classes in this classroom and felt very pleased to see that everyone now has such good learning conditions. She hoped that the students would cherish the study time in the High School attached to Tsinghua University, study hard and develop comprehensively, and lay a good foundation for becoming useful talents in the country。

Later, Liu Yandong went to the basketball hall of the Affiliated High School, where the boys and girls basketball teams were training。In recent years, the boys' and girls' basketball teams of the Affiliated High School have achieved excellent results, winning the "Grand slam" results of the national championship, the Asian Championship and even the world championship, and the men's basketball team has won the eighth consecutive championship of the National Middle School Basketball League。Liu Yandong took a photo with the students, encouraging them not only to practice good sports skills, but also to have a strong team spirit, help each other and grow together。

The High School attached to Tsinghua established a student maker space in 2013, taking the lead in putting maker education on the agenda for middle school students in China。In the student maker space, a series of scientific and technological creative works caught Liu Yandong's attention. Together with her classmates, she looked at the "holographic projection model", operated the "shape unique game software", and asked how the "four-axis plane" worked。In front of the "explosion-proof demining robot" made by Deng Yuelin and Liu Mengzhen of Class 1 (2), Liu Yandong watched the robot's "demining" process with great interest。She said it is important to cultivate students' innovative thinking, and education authorities should work closely with schools to design targeted teaching programs and do a good job in popularizing them。

At the research symposium, Liu Yandong listened to the report on the running of the Affiliated high school。Wang Dianjun around the attached high school "education as the center, students as the main body. ,For every student personality free and comprehensive development "school thought,The report is made from the aspects of graded moral education system, backbone training, curriculum reform, student association, teacher development and so on,The reform and exploration in education and teaching are emphasized。Qiu Xiaoyun, the backbone Chinese teacher in Beijing, as a representative of the teachers, spoke about his feelings of teaching in the High school。Zhao Xinpei, who just graduated from the High School and joined the Party in her third year of high school, made a speech as a student representative, saying that she would follow the example of her upperclassmen and aspire to serve the country。She also presented Liu Yandong with a collection of students' works, which Liu accepted happily。

At the end of the research symposium, Liu Yandong delivered an important speech。She pointed out that the secondary school stage is an important link in the national education system。Inheriting the spirit of Tsinghua University, the High School Attached to Tsinghua University has formed its distinctive school-running characteristics. In recent years, it has made fruitful achievements in curriculum reform, quality education, teaching and research, campus culture construction and innovative personnel training mode. It has produced a large number of outstanding graduates and won wide praise from the society。

Liu Yandong put forward three requirements for the development of the school: First, adhere to moral cultivation and comprehensively improve the quality of education。We must persist in carrying out quality education and strive to train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical beauty。Second, we will deepen comprehensive reform and enhance the vitality of schools。It is necessary to base on the characteristics and advantages of the school, boldly explore in the aspects of personnel training mode, education and teaching, and internal governance structure, and constantly deepen reform。Third, strengthen exchanges and cooperation to play a radiating role。It is necessary to strengthen international exchanges, at the same time make full use of modern educational technology, do a good job in the open sharing of high-quality educational resources, and create experience in promoting education equity and improving education quality。

In her speech, Liu Yandong affectionately reviewed her study experience in the Tsinghua High School, she said that 53 years ago, she entered the Tsinghua High School to study, and the three years spent in the high school left a deep impression on herself, although the material life was poor at that time, but the excellent moral school spirit of the high school benefited her for life。"Liu Yandong said,Young people are the hope of a country's future,Teaching and educating people has a great responsibility and a glorious mission,I hope that teachers love their jobs, educate people with learning, and transform people with virtue,Cultivate students to pursue truth, spread goodness, create beauty and contribute love,To be a mentor and guide for students to grow and become talented;I hope that the students will be firm in their ideals, study hard and encourage themselves to become talented,Enhance social responsibility,Build a solid knowledge base,Master one's skills,Truly become the builder and creator of the future,To contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

Liu Yandong speaks at the research symposium

Liu Yandong visits the History Hall of Tsinghua Affiliated Lieutenant Colonel

Liu Yandong visits the student maker space

Liu Yandong has a cordial conversation with the students after the class

The person in charge of the High School attached to Tsinghua presented Liu Yandong with a copy of his student card

时间:2014-10-21 11:24

Source: Tsinghua News Network

Author: Wen/Zhou Xiangnan and Wang Lei

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